lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

My first Yoga Retreat

This weekend I have been part of a Yoga retreat...
The first retreat of my life! and it has been an amazing experience!
It has taken place to a beautiful Villa near Usa River in Tanzania within Nduruma Polo Club area.

Some people knew each other and some not... The yoga teacher was from Canada and the organizer from the US, all meals were  ovolacteo-vegeterians so I could eat from all the options... It felt like a dream...
The group consisted in 15 Members   from 25 to 45 years old.

The cheff from Cape Town has done magic with all the dishes all courses were colorful, healthy and very tasty..
From friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon we combined meditations with yoga practices.
We also have had some time for conversations and getting to know each other, music and rest.

By 6,15am the first meditation was starting...and by 10,30pm we were already in our bedrooms reading or sleeping.

My body feels happy from the inside... Eventhough Yoga is a Practice I have been practicing for the last 3 years I cannot say I love doing be honest I usually feel I have done enough effort during my day and I deserve some rest laying in the sofa and watching a movie or just meeting my husband for a dinner or friends are always better oprtions but if we are able to install this practice as part of our daily life, this can become transformative...  the answer of all my body after the yoga practice is just amazing!

It is not only all the phisical benefits such as the flexibility, body posture  you gain but also the energy that you get out of it and the focus and awarenes of your body when wakes up and becomes conscious...
This weekend I also have discovered that you don't need to sleep long time to feel you have rested because yoga helps you to sleep deeper...and with less hours you have enough!

I also feel I am able to do more and cope with daily routine easily after the practice. I forget less and I feel my brain has recovered some space.

I higly recommend to keep practicing yoga... After this retreat I felt I have finally undertood the practice from another dimension as I have experienced various practices within a day and I have seen and experiencied the short term consequences.

I belive we should put yoga as a subject in schools as it is a good practice and instrument to chanel emotions and give creative options and  good habits to our childrens life.

Check these organizations, they have studied about why to practice yoga with children and in schools: Link 1, Link 2.

This retreat has given me strength and has bought new interesting people into my life!

If you are interested in knowing more about the benefits of Yoga read this article here. 

Check also more health benefits of yoga practice for an adult here

martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Jordi Savall and Waldorf Schools

And finally.. the frst Secondary Waldorf School in Barcelona! :)

The great and well known Jordi Savall (musician specialized in old music) did a Fundraising Concert for the new Secondary Waldorf School in Bellaterra (Barcelona) last 30th of April 2015 together with his son Ferran Savall.

I had the pleasure to be there and was indeed an amazing experience. They played in the Monastery of Sant Cugat. More Info here: St Cugat Monastery

All the founds were destinated to the new secondary school  TRETZE VENTS a Walford Secondary recognized school. The first one in Catalonia Region!

News:Information about the Event

Who is Jordi Savall? Jordi_Savall

Which kind of school is Tretze Vents Secondary Waldorf? Escola Tretze Vents

In that concert Jordi Savall played with his son Ferran Savall old music and Improvisations...

Check Jordi's Savall Here

Check Ferran's Savall Here

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

What is Neuro LinguisticPrograming?

This year I will be finishing my NLP Practitioner Formation with The Kuunganusha Trainning Dutch Institute with the amazing facilitator Marianne Verrijt.

This tool has changed my life and sensitivity. This skills and strategies should be taught to all the schools and teachers around the world.... humanity would become more concious and aware.
Everyone should know at least about it to understand better the world and the perception of each student and person interacting with it on daily bases.

This trainning has not only changed my vision of how the human brain works but how I relate with others and how to change old patters within myself.

Today I want to recommend a book for all teachers and people interested in understanding human relations and the meaning of the other people inside perception of the world..

 "NLP for Dummies" can approximate you to have an idea on what is Nlp and how does it work.

Here I paste an article about this book: NLP for Dummies

martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

J. Krishnamurti " Education and its meaning"

Who was Krishanmurti? Wikipedia

Krishnamurti one of my teachers...
My father had the pleasure to go to few of his conferences around the world....

Krishnamurti is regarded globally as one of the greatest thinkers and religious teachers of all time. He did not expound any philosophy or religion, but rather talked of the things that concern all of us in our everyday lives, of the problems of living in modern society with its violence and corruption, of the individual's search for security and happiness, and the need for mankind to free itself from inner burdens of fear, anger, hurt, and sorrow. He explained with great precision the subtle workings of the human mind, and pointed to the need for bringing to our daily life a deeply meditative and spiritual quality. 

Krishnamurti belonged to no religious organization, sect or country, nor did he subscribe to any school of political or ideological thought. On the contrary, he maintained that these are the very factors that divide human beings and bring about conflict and war. He reminded his listeners again and again that we are all human beings first and not Hindus, Muslims or Christians, that we are like the rest of humanity and are not different from one another. He asked that we tread lightly on this earth without destroying ourselves or the environment. He communicated to his listeners a deep sense of respect for nature. His teachings transcend man-made belief systems, nationalistic sentiment and sectarianism. At the same time, they give new meaning and direction to mankind's search for truth. His teaching, besides being relevant to the modern age, is timeless and universal. 

Krishnamurti spoke not as a guru but as a friend, and his talks and discussions are based not on tradition-based knowledge but on his own insights into the human mind and his vision of the sacred, so he always communicates a sense of freshness and directness although the essence of his message remained unchanged over the years. When he addressed large audiences, people felt that Krishnamurti was talking to each of them personally, addressing his or her particular problem. In his private interviews, he was a compassionate teacher, listening attentively to the man or woman who came to him in sorrow, and encouraging them to heal themselves through their own understanding. Religious scholars found that his words threw new light on traditional concepts. Krishnamurti took on the challenge of modern scientists and psychologists and went with them step by step, discussed their theories and sometimes enabled them to discern the limitations of those theories. Krishnamurti left a large body of literature in the form of public talks, writings, discussions with teachers and students, with scientists and religious figures, conversations with individuals, television and radio interviews, and letters. Many of these have been published as books, and audio and video recordings. 

Here we are sharing some videos regards Education...

More information:

 Education and its meaning

Educación 1

Educación 2

More information here:

domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015

Integral Education by Sri Aurobindo

Today I found a book bought on my trip around India: Pondicherry-Auroville in 2010,  I was 23 years old... an amazing age to discover India and her Spirituallity..

Today I remembered visiting and experiencing these great teachers of the humanity Sri Aurobindo and The Mother thoughts and projects...

Me and my two friends Blanca and Irene went to India with a special mission to accomplish the last wish of Blanca's mother and visit his Guru in India... We decided to do a trip to discover  what was Hinduism visiting different temples and Ashrams.. Blanca's mother was following this spiritual path and we wanted to feel closer to her... This was her last wish and we were ready to learn from it!

We had the pleasure to know Parvathi Kumar her Guru and many other hinduist paths...

We cannot say which temple and Ashrams visited were the best... but there were few we prolonged our stay.. In the North East Rajamudri (Parvathi Kumar Ashram), South East Tiruvannamalai (Ramana Maharshi Ashram) and Southern East Pondicherry (Sri Aurobindo and The Mother) were definitely the ones we spent more time in as we felt most confortable..

We learned from all of them... but in Auroville and Sri Aurobindo and The Mother Ashram we connected very much with the Educational system they were suggesting..
The three of us are music teachers and we felt The Integral Education System was very Inclusive and transformative...

We spent more than a week in Pondicherry and Auroville... We bought some books about education and we were told who Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's Dream were.

Today I recovered one of the books and I would like to share What is Integral Education?

Integral Education regards the child as a growing soul and helps him to bring out all that is best, most powerful, most innate and living in his nature. It helps the child develop all facets of his personality and awaken his latent possibilities so that he acquires
  • a strong, supple, healthy, beautiful body
  • a sensitive, emotionally refined, energetic personality
  • a wide-ranging, lively intelligence and will
  • the subtler spiritual qualities that unify and harmonise the being around his inmost Truth or Soul
The focus and emphasis in Integral Education (IE) is not just information and skills acquisition but also self-development, triggered from within the child and supported and nourished by teachers and parents. Every experience becomes a learning tool for the child as he grows. IE helps him to integrate with his true self, his surroundings, his society, his country and humanity in other words, to become the complete being, the integrated being that he is meant to be.

domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

Why Waldorf Pedagogy Works?

Today I would like to write about my first experience with Waldorf Pedagoy....

Krisol Kindergarden, Premià de Dalt, Maresme, Barcelona. Spain

Since I am 17 I have been in contact with Waldorf Schools...

Back when I was 17 I had the opportunity to be part of the initiation and construction of the first Waldorf kindergarden in the Maresme area (Barcelona)... Under the name Krisol Kindergarden.

This Initiative started in a small hall in the midle of Premia de Dalt, a small town near Barcelona. Soon this group of families got bigger and they had to change the space to a bigger one, luckily a Rural Farm Villa from the last century owner agreed in allowing the school to be in one of their areas. This villa has a garden in front and a forest behind and the children after the class routine and breakfast could go outside to play in the forest and the higher area adapted for games.

I was voluntering three mornings under the supervision of Anna Maria, the best teacher I have ever known. She had a great vocation and pasion for her job and she belived in the Pedadogy in a very realistic way. She was soft, loving and at the same time energetic and methodic.
I learned a lot from her and to be spending these hours with these children was like a meditation for me... the food the children were eating was from the garden or bio brought by the parents, the classes were small but painted in harmony with soft colours and all game materials were from the nature, made of wood, cloth, depending on the season every class had an altar with the colours and treasures from nature you could find describing that season and many more details that were making the class a sacred place.

She was teaching through guiding and accompaniment but also respecting the individuality of each child...

I remember having a pupil 3 years old that was having a difficult time at home and one day playing with the rest of the class for no apparent reason, he slapped a girl who was playing with the dolls...the teacher took him and sat him down and said
- Paul let us talk to your hand, Hand why have you done that? Hands are made for playing, cooking, painting, hugging..

The teacher was unlinking the action with the person, Paul was sad and quiet and he did not want to talk at first. The teacher brought the oven mitt and put it on the hand and told Paul:
-Allow your hand to think about this action, speak to her and leave her for a while on top of the table.

Paul reacted saying:
-Hand do not harm again anyone, I love my friends. I don't know why did you slapted Marina.
I love her and she is my friend. After 3 minutes Paul started playing again not feeling he was a bad boy or he did something very bad but he knew this was a non correct action that would bring him to be a part of the class for a while.

I have thousands of stories like this one... that made me think and see the education from another prespective.

Read more about this  pedagogy  Here or Steiner Waldorf 

domingo, 4 de enero de 2015

Art therapy and Mandalas

The Mandala (Sanskrit for “circle” or “completion”) has a long history and is recognized for its deep spiritual meaning and representation of wholeness.

Many people and cultures have vouched for the mandala’s intrinsic meaning. Buddhists, Tibetans, and Hindus have all derived meaning from the mandala and its captivating beauty. Psychoanalyst Carl Jung has called it “a representation of the unconscious self.” The mandala is widely recognized as a meaningful reflection of its creator. Mandala art therapy & healing can be a great source of reflection on one’s soul.
Mandalas can be seen all around us, but are not just people-centric. They are larger than life. Mandalas represent life as we know it, but they also represent a larger ecosystem and universe that exceeds our consciousness.
The “circle with a center” pattern is the basic structure of creation that is reflected from the micro to the macro in the world as we know it. It is a pattern found in nature and is seen in biology, geology, chemistry, physics and astronomy.
Pink Lotus Mandala
On our planet, living things are made of cells and each cell has a nucleus — all display circles with centers. The crystals that form ice, rocks, and mountains are made of atoms. Each atom is a mandala.
Within the Milky Way galaxy is our solar system and within our solar system, is Earth. Each is a mandala that is part of a larger mandala.
Flowers, the rings found in tree trunks and the spiraling outward and inward of a snail’s shell all reflect the primal mandala pattern. Wherever a center is found radiating outward and inward, there is wholeness–a mandala.

This couldn’t have been explained more beautifully. Mandalas are everywhere. They are the structures of our cells, our world, and our universe.
If you are interested read these sources:
I highly recommend the book healing mandala by Judith Donnell