domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015

Integral Education by Sri Aurobindo

Today I found a book bought on my trip around India: Pondicherry-Auroville in 2010,  I was 23 years old... an amazing age to discover India and her Spirituallity..

Today I remembered visiting and experiencing these great teachers of the humanity Sri Aurobindo and The Mother thoughts and projects...

Me and my two friends Blanca and Irene went to India with a special mission to accomplish the last wish of Blanca's mother and visit his Guru in India... We decided to do a trip to discover  what was Hinduism visiting different temples and Ashrams.. Blanca's mother was following this spiritual path and we wanted to feel closer to her... This was her last wish and we were ready to learn from it!

We had the pleasure to know Parvathi Kumar her Guru and many other hinduist paths...

We cannot say which temple and Ashrams visited were the best... but there were few we prolonged our stay.. In the North East Rajamudri (Parvathi Kumar Ashram), South East Tiruvannamalai (Ramana Maharshi Ashram) and Southern East Pondicherry (Sri Aurobindo and The Mother) were definitely the ones we spent more time in as we felt most confortable..

We learned from all of them... but in Auroville and Sri Aurobindo and The Mother Ashram we connected very much with the Educational system they were suggesting..
The three of us are music teachers and we felt The Integral Education System was very Inclusive and transformative...

We spent more than a week in Pondicherry and Auroville... We bought some books about education and we were told who Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's Dream were.

Today I recovered one of the books and I would like to share What is Integral Education?

Integral Education regards the child as a growing soul and helps him to bring out all that is best, most powerful, most innate and living in his nature. It helps the child develop all facets of his personality and awaken his latent possibilities so that he acquires
  • a strong, supple, healthy, beautiful body
  • a sensitive, emotionally refined, energetic personality
  • a wide-ranging, lively intelligence and will
  • the subtler spiritual qualities that unify and harmonise the being around his inmost Truth or Soul
The focus and emphasis in Integral Education (IE) is not just information and skills acquisition but also self-development, triggered from within the child and supported and nourished by teachers and parents. Every experience becomes a learning tool for the child as he grows. IE helps him to integrate with his true self, his surroundings, his society, his country and humanity in other words, to become the complete being, the integrated being that he is meant to be.

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