lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

My first Yoga Retreat

This weekend I have been part of a Yoga retreat...
The first retreat of my life! and it has been an amazing experience!
It has taken place to a beautiful Villa near Usa River in Tanzania within Nduruma Polo Club area.

Some people knew each other and some not... The yoga teacher was from Canada and the organizer from the US, all meals were  ovolacteo-vegeterians so I could eat from all the options... It felt like a dream...
The group consisted in 15 Members   from 25 to 45 years old.

The cheff from Cape Town has done magic with all the dishes all courses were colorful, healthy and very tasty..
From friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon we combined meditations with yoga practices.
We also have had some time for conversations and getting to know each other, music and rest.

By 6,15am the first meditation was starting...and by 10,30pm we were already in our bedrooms reading or sleeping.

My body feels happy from the inside... Eventhough Yoga is a Practice I have been practicing for the last 3 years I cannot say I love doing be honest I usually feel I have done enough effort during my day and I deserve some rest laying in the sofa and watching a movie or just meeting my husband for a dinner or friends are always better oprtions but if we are able to install this practice as part of our daily life, this can become transformative...  the answer of all my body after the yoga practice is just amazing!

It is not only all the phisical benefits such as the flexibility, body posture  you gain but also the energy that you get out of it and the focus and awarenes of your body when wakes up and becomes conscious...
This weekend I also have discovered that you don't need to sleep long time to feel you have rested because yoga helps you to sleep deeper...and with less hours you have enough!

I also feel I am able to do more and cope with daily routine easily after the practice. I forget less and I feel my brain has recovered some space.

I higly recommend to keep practicing yoga... After this retreat I felt I have finally undertood the practice from another dimension as I have experienced various practices within a day and I have seen and experiencied the short term consequences.

I belive we should put yoga as a subject in schools as it is a good practice and instrument to chanel emotions and give creative options and  good habits to our childrens life.

Check these organizations, they have studied about why to practice yoga with children and in schools: Link 1, Link 2.

This retreat has given me strength and has bought new interesting people into my life!

If you are interested in knowing more about the benefits of Yoga read this article here. 

Check also more health benefits of yoga practice for an adult here

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