lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

What is Neuro LinguisticPrograming?

This year I will be finishing my NLP Practitioner Formation with The Kuunganusha Trainning Dutch Institute with the amazing facilitator Marianne Verrijt.

This tool has changed my life and sensitivity. This skills and strategies should be taught to all the schools and teachers around the world.... humanity would become more concious and aware.
Everyone should know at least about it to understand better the world and the perception of each student and person interacting with it on daily bases.

This trainning has not only changed my vision of how the human brain works but how I relate with others and how to change old patters within myself.

Today I want to recommend a book for all teachers and people interested in understanding human relations and the meaning of the other people inside perception of the world..

 "NLP for Dummies" can approximate you to have an idea on what is Nlp and how does it work.

Here I paste an article about this book: NLP for Dummies

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