martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Jordi Savall and Waldorf Schools

And finally.. the frst Secondary Waldorf School in Barcelona! :)

The great and well known Jordi Savall (musician specialized in old music) did a Fundraising Concert for the new Secondary Waldorf School in Bellaterra (Barcelona) last 30th of April 2015 together with his son Ferran Savall.

I had the pleasure to be there and was indeed an amazing experience. They played in the Monastery of Sant Cugat. More Info here: St Cugat Monastery

All the founds were destinated to the new secondary school  TRETZE VENTS a Walford Secondary recognized school. The first one in Catalonia Region!

News:Information about the Event

Who is Jordi Savall? Jordi_Savall

Which kind of school is Tretze Vents Secondary Waldorf? Escola Tretze Vents

In that concert Jordi Savall played with his son Ferran Savall old music and Improvisations...

Check Jordi's Savall Here

Check Ferran's Savall Here

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