domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

Changing educational paradigm

It is a must to watch this video talking about the nowadays educational system.

Ken Robinson says "We want to reach the future though actions from the past". The educational system was created by economical circunstances from the Industrial time.

The educational system was created under economical circunstances during the industrialism.
We are stuck in an old paradigm designed and concieved for last century.
Ken Robinson gives 2 reasons:
Economy and culture are the base of the education.

The Education was designed in the intellectual of the enlightenment and economic circunstances of the Industrial Revolution before the 17th century as there was no public system education and so the schools had to teach the same skills for the factories to learn and memorize items and try to educate us all the same had a point, but does it now? Changes have been made with thearrival of the technologies and globalization and we have to introduce a new way of thinking called "divergent thinking". This quality is the essence of the capacity for creativity. The hability to see differently answers in a question, is a different way to understand one question in its different ways.  

Les persones eren jutjades segons la visió de la intel·ligència: acadèmiques o no acadèmiques llests i no llests. 
Intenta explicar " l'epidèmia del TDH" que es tant diagnosticada  per mestres i psicòlegs explica que és una conseqüència del moment en el qual vivim i no l'entrenem com deuríem.

 Estem dins l'època més intensa d'estímuls, imatges i informacions de la història de la humanitat i els sistemes continuen essent com els d' abans.

 Intentem arreglar-ho medicant-los i anestesiant el seu impuls d'aprendre amb mètodes"passats de moda".

 Robinson proposa trencar amb la vella concepció  de acadèmic no acadèmic, pensar en la capacitat humana doncs aquestes categories només son un mite que ens hem cregut. 

Impulsa el treball cooperatiu doncs es quan es fomenten els millors aprenentatges, els grans canvis també es realitzen col·lectivament.